Wow! I haven't posted anything in so long! Let's just say Februrary was a very busy month. And being busy isn't a bad thing. It's just being busy. Through out the weekend days of February I was one of the lead star roles of a short film called "Little Things." I will discuss more of the project in detail in one of my next posts. I am also in the process of developing my first mobile game app. I also got to help one of my closest friends at her Fashion App Launch Party! The last couple of weeks have been intense, with multiple jobs, projects and other things but they have been fun ones! I won't deny I am a bit exhausted even now but I am very happy that I got to be apart of the projects and things that have been going on lately. I just needed to post something to let you all know I am alive and well! I will be sharing my latest escapades soon! This is also a recent picture of me, just before I got my beautiful hair cut off! I hope to grow it that long and pretty again soon!