Thursday, June 18, 2015

Squiggly Monsters

Squiggly Monsters, Timothy Michael Gould, Justin Marchett, Squiggly Monsters Animation, Score, Scoundtrack MusicSo I am trying to think of the projects I have worked on since I last posted. And the last photo shoot I posted was an older one. I have done several shoots since then but I haven't uploaded them yet for everyone so forgive that I sorta disappeared off the face of the earth for a bit. One of the projects that I have been focused on lately was an animation project which I never shared with everyone. Below is a link the project.

Squiggly Monsters, Timothy Michael Gould, Justin Marchett, Squiggly Monsters Animation, Score, Scoundtrack Music
This animation was completed several months ago with animator Justain Marchett. We came up with the idea from little drawings I did while working at a regular job. Haha! So even little doo-dads and sketches and drawings can always be considered something creative and usual for those doodle and sketch and draw.
Squiggly Monsters, Timothy Michael Gould, Justin Marchett, Squiggly Monsters Animation, Score, Scoundtrack Music The song idea was never entirely finished when I first started composing the piece. The song was started around 11 or 12 years old. It was just an idea, a thought and it was supposed to be more like a orchestral fantasy of some sort, possibly a movement to a symphony. The idea I never fully developed and the style did not exactly develop when I first started making it. Being the very distracted individual that I am, always new songs and ideas come my way and thoughts and then I forget about finishing the songs and projects I started.

When my interest came to animation, I thought of this song as the theme was quick and simple. I wasn't exactly set on using Squiggly Monsters as the theme for the song, but my ideas for a romantic fantasy wasn't as fun to me anymore. I also wanted people to find the video somewhat interesting, even though the whole idea seems to capture the minds of those who see something slightly inappropriate. But the part I am most excited about is that this animation has inspired a mobile app. Its in progress right now but it will be a game! I am so excited to work on it. I will also be providing the music which so far has 11 tracks assigned to it.

I am really excited about the app and can't wait to see what will happen with it!